Review on security requirements in the software production process

Document Type : Systematic literature review


1 Faculty of Technology and Engineering, Jahrom University, Jahrom, Iran

2 Faculty of Computer Engineering and Information Technology, Shiraz University of Technology, Shiraz, Iran


In recent years, the issue of increasing software security has led to extensive research in the software production process. One of the main aspects of secure system engineering is identifying security requirements to protect assets. The introduction of new security implementation methods in software systems is a result of cost, time, and efficiency features related to each method for identifying security requirements. These security methods are implemented to increase confidence in systems and protect organizational assets in software production cycles. Engineers must ensure that the produced software is secure against potential threats and attacks. Identifying, classifying, prioritizing, and measuring security requirements in terms of privacy, software structure, and other factors are part of software developers' concerns. In this paper, a selection of modern security requirements methods and their security factors are collected from 2017 to 2022 and compared based on the most frequent repetition of each method's factors. This paper introduces how modern methods work for developers and leads to selecting the most appropriate methods. Moreover, it helps people who are looking for recent research in the field of security requirements.


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