About Journal

Soft Computing Journal (SCJ) publishes high-quality scientific papers covering all aspects of soft computing techniques and applications in computer engineering and information technology. The editorial board of the journal comprises experts from around the world. Papers in the relationship between two different scientific disciplines are of high interest for SCJ. Research papers and review articles are selected through a normal refereeing process by a member of editorial board. A paper acceptable for publication must contain non-trivial aspects of soft computing with clear applications to other parts of science and engineering. SCJ motivates authors to publish significant research papers, which are of broad interests in Applications of Soft Computing in Science. 


SCJ is an Open Access journal. Open Access is a publishing model that provides immediate access to the full text of papers without requiring a subscription to the journal. The publication costs for manuscript in SCJ are covered by the University of Kashan. So, the authors do not need to pay an article processing charge. Moreover, SCJ publishes two issues in one volume every year.


The topics covered by the journal but not limited to these are:

Soft computing methods include:
      - Neural network
      - Fuzzy Logic
      - Artificial intelligence
      - Knowledge representation
      - Machine learning
      - Chaos theory and systems
      - Evolutionary calculations
      - Inference calculations
      - Smart multifunction systems
Applications of soft computing in:
      - Software engineering
      - Multimedia environments
      - Computer networks
      - Security
SCJ appoints leading scholars to assess scientific content and steer all manuscripts through rigorous peer review. Each Section is managed by an academic Editor in Chief (Section Editor), but has a board of associate and advisory editors who manage subsection areas. These Editors control all editorial decisions.