Extended Abstract: Guidelines for Authors

Soft Computing Journal (SCJ) also publishes extended abstracts as short papers in a rapid publication cycle on advances in the state-of-the-art of soft computing methods and applications. Both theoretical contributions (including new techniques, concepts, and analyses) and practical contributions (including system experiments and prototypes, and new applications) are encouraged.

An extended abstract should have 2-4 pages. Note that papers prepared in less than 2 pages, more than 4 pages, or out of the style of the journal, will be rejected. Moreover, papers that were already published with the same content or simultaneous submission of the same paper to other journals or conferences will not be considered for publication in our journal and will be immediately rejected. Authors who are less familiar with Persian or English languages are advised to seek assistance from proficient scholars to prepare manuscripts that are grammatically and linguistically free from errors.


Extended abstract format:

1. The title of the extended abstract 

2. Name the authors and identify the author responsible for the manuscript

3. affiliations of authors along with their emails

4. The abstract (contains a minimum of 100 and a maximum of 250 words)

5. Keywords (minimum 3 and maximum 5 words)

6. Brief introduction

7. Main results

8. Conclusion in one paragraph (at most four lines)

9. References (There should be no more than 10 references)

Note that All accepted papers in SCJ will be checked against plagiarism by iThenticate.


Before submitting your extended abstract to SCJ, please rename the tex file by using the corresponding author's name (and the code of the manuscript that is generated by the journal website), e.g. if the corresponding author is S. Doostali and the code is A-102, then the file should be named SDoostali-A-102.tex. You have to archive all source files in a .rar file and submit it through the journal website. Also, you should submit the generated PDF file.

The TEX template file of the extended abstract can be downloaded here.

The WORD template file of the extended abstract can be downloaded here.