Fabric design-assisted system based on interactive genetic algorithm

Document Type : Extension scientific paper


1 art faculty- science and arts university-yazd

2 phd- art faculty- science and arts un. - yazd

3 ms- art faculty- science and arts un.- yazd


Nowadays, with the development of digital technology, the place of computer is important in art, especially in fabric and cloth design. It should be noted that in traditional methods, it is not possible to interact with the consumer until the end of the design process. Typical design software systems only work well for professionals and are difficult for non-professionals to work with.
The purpose of this study is to proposed a fabric design assistance system using Qashqai kilim designs based on interactive genetic algorithm. In order to design the fabric, the patterns and colors available in Qashqai kilims as well as the type of pattern arrangement in the kilims were used. The designs produced by the system are exposed to the user to estimate the degree of fit. According to the user's evaluation, weaker designs are discarded and stronger designs are upgraded by re-going through the system, and finally the desired design is created. The result show that use of this system in the fabric design industry enables designers, buyers and even fabric manufacturers to taste in the design process of the fabric. As it is inferred from the users' point of view, reducing the design process time, and achieving multiple designs in the shortest time possible are the benefits of this system.


Main Subjects

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 03 July 2023
  • Receive Date: 06 June 2022
  • Revise Date: 04 May 2023
  • Accept Date: 03 July 2023