Credit rating of bank customers using a new ensemble method based on support vector machine: a case study of Pasargad bank

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Mathematics, Ayatollah Boroujerdi University, Boroujerd, Iran

2 Deparment of Economics, Ayatollah Boroujerdi University, Boroujerd, Iran


In recent years, credit rating and identifying good and bad customers have become critical issues for banks worldwide. The ability to grant facilities to good customers while avoiding bad ones, which leads to a reduction in bank arrears, has been a primary concern for bank managers. Credit rating systems have been developed to address this issue and provide an efficient solution. This paper presents a new ensemble model for credit ranking bank customers based on the support vector machine algorithm. First, the dataset is divided into several subsets using the bootstrap approach, and the support vector machine algorithm is then applied to each subset to form several models. Finally, voting is performed among these models to obtain a final model. In order to show the accuracy of the ensemble model, the data of 2218 Pasargad Bank customers, including 14 explanatory attributes, are evaluated using the proposed method. Based on various criteria, the results obtained on Pasargad Bank data confirm the superiority of the ensemble support vector machine method over conventional methods such as support vector machine and random forest. The type II errors, which is the proportion of bad customers who are wrongly predicted to be good ones in the proposed ensemble method with the linear core, is 17% less than the conventional support vector machine method and 15% less than the random forest method.


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