Providing an improved greedy approach for increasing the number of Served users in cloud-edge networks

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Computer Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj Branch, Sanandaj, Iran.


One of the most significant challenges in edge computing is increasing the number of served users without changing the complexity of the problem and imposing further delays on cloud-edge network services. In edge networks, every user initially requests the desired service from their edge server, which edges provide it. If the requested service is not available in the cloud-edge network, the inquiry is made from the adjacent edge server based on the distance. The nearest edge clouds that can connect to it wirelessly provide the desired service. If unsuccessful, requests are forwarded to the backhaul link and other edge servers are searched for the desired service.  Finally, if all else fails, the service is obtained from the cloud. Due to the complexity examined, the strategy proposed in the paper provides the conditions to increase the number of served users without changing the service delay. The proposed algorithm improves served users by 0.4% and 1.1% over the greedy method and maximum flow method, respectively. Furthermore, it demonstrates a 20% and 22% improvement over the maximum flow and greedy methods, respectively, in users' scheduling.


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