Development of an equation-free reduced-order model based on different feature extraction patterns on the two-dimensional steady-state heat transfer dataset

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology, University of Qom, Qom, Iran.

2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Qom, Qom, Iran.


Due to the high computational cost and time of the direct or numerical methods of the partial differential equations governing phenomena, this paper proposes an equation-free model based on deep learning algorithms using dimension reduction methods. Two methods of the principal component analysis (linear) and the autoencoder (nonlinear) were used to simulate the steady-state heat transfer phenomenon using the two-dimensional steady-state heat transfer dataset of size 64×64 and 128×128. These methods were implemented using the tools and libraries available in the Python environment. According to the results, autoencoder has higher accuracy in reduction of order to very low dimensions, while principal component analysis has a higher accuracy in reduction of order to very high dimensions. Additionally, the outputs of the proposed reduced-order model were compared with simulation results obtained from a model based on convolutional neural network with a large number of layers and filters. The simulation results of the temperature distribution of the steady-state heat transfer phenomenon in terms of mean square error (MSE) using principal component analysis, autoencoder, and convolutional neural network-based models at dimensions of 64×64 were equal to 1.617×10-4, 2.528×10-6, and 0.015 °C per-pixel, respectively. At dimensions of 128×128, the results were equal to 2.046×10-4, 7.253×10-6, and 0.0058 °C per-pixel, respectively. Therefore, the proposed reduced-order models, especially the autoencoder-based model, have significantly higher accuracy than the convolutional neural network-based model.


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