Modeling the security of virtual machines in the cloud using iterative game theory

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran.


Today, the numerous benefits of cloud computing have led many small and large organizations to use cloud services to reduce their costs. However, there are some barriers to using cloud services, and one of the biggest is security attacks affected by the supervisor. When a direct attack is made on a user on a supervisor, it may indirectly attack other users' virtual machines as well. In this regard, conflicting goals and interests between cloud service users and attackers make it difficult for cloud service providers to invest in security modules for their servers. Therefore, this paper provides an appropriate solution for decision-making about investing in a security module for each player using game theory. Furthermore, using the iterative game model, all Nash equilibria have been extracted and analyzed. The results show that game theory can be well applied to making appropriate decisions and finding right balance for decision-making in the field of security. According to simulation results, it can be said that in iterative games with a probability of repeating the game between 0.2 and 0.8, predetermined investment strategies or non-investment strategies can lead to a suitable Nash equilibrium and maximize the benefits for cloud service users.


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