Hybrid solution to improve the methodology of agent- oriented development



Abstract: Agent-oriented software engineering is developing a new field of computer science in terms of agent-oriented methodologies, systematic approach to the analysis, design, implementation and maintenance of multiple offers. One of the major challenges in the agent- oriented software engineering is that in spite of numerous methodologies have been introduced in this area, there are still some gaps in the different phases of methodologies. In agent- oriented methodologies due to drawbacks in the different phases and the great impact these shortcoming have on the quality and efficiency of software projects a mechanism should be provided to introduce a hybrid methodology (IP) including INGENIAS and RICA methodologies, in this paper this mechanism has been presented. For this purpose the design process as well as encoding methodology of INGENIAS have been considered, INGENIAS good at design process but the stage of analysis is this methodology is not complete because it fails to model the system roles, on the other hand since RICA methodology is good at the stage of modeling system roles, a methodology combining the advantages of both methodologies has been provided. In which the stage of analysis and design methodology of INGENIAS and the process of modeling roles of RICA have been used. In other to increase the efficiency of the proposed methodology, models of capability, planning and knowledge have been added to the existing model and to explain its various phases, a case study (housing sale system) has been used, also to assess the ability of the proposed methodology, this methodology has been evaluated based on the criteria of concepts and pragmatism.
